​Contact Us: (530) 272-5459​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kentucky Flat Community Preschool

& Resources

Historical Setting
All that surrounds the young child is of paramount importance. In a wondrous way, children are open to their environment. Children learn best by doing, and play is the serious work of childhood.

A​t 155 years young, the Kentucky Flat Schoolhouse may be the oldest continuously used one-room schoolhouse in California. The building with its iconic high porch and roof-top bell tower, at the corner of Newtown and Kentucky Flat roads west of Grass Valley, operated as a school for 108 years, until 1963, according to historical records.

Pricing & availability
We currently (2017-18) are open 10 months a year 8:30-4:00 Monday-Friday and enroll children and their families aged 2-5. We offer full day and half day (12:00) programs. Children in diapers are welcome. We would love to know more about you and what you are looking for in a childcare program for your family in addition to answer any questions you may have. Please connect us by clicking "read more" below.

​Early Quality Matters

We were rated a 5 star program through Nevada County First 5 and are currently undergoing our Recertification. Find out all that is involved...​​

The Importance of children in Nature
In this article, Richard Louv discusses how Connecting With Nature Boosts Creativity and Health in young children and adult too!
From Alliance for childhood
Facing the Screen Dilemma:
Young Children, Technology and Early Education
Mindful Parenting

12 Exercises for Mindful Parenting
by Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn