​Contact Us: (530) 272-5459​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kentucky Flat Community Preschool

Jen Norris
After working with young children in a preschool setting for 20 years, I was headed in more of a leadership direction, supervising and monitoring staff. I quickly started to miss the rewarding work in the classroom with children and decided to open a preschool that was both the kind of place I could be happy to have my daughter and feel fulfilled as a teacher. As an Instructor teaching Child Development at Sierra College, I enjoy living what I teach.
Gillian Langer
Tina Lujan
Teacher Gilly has raised two children who are in adulthood and has recently become and grandma! She has been working with young for over 10 years and holds an Associates Degree in Human Development from Sierra College. She is the afternoon teacher/director. She loves reading stories and playing games with the children.
Tina has been working with children as a garden advocate for a couple of years and loves to be out in the garden in her free time. She has been studying Human Development at Sierra College.
Sara Serrata
Class Assistant
Sara is currently working on earning her degree from Sierra College and has been active as a Girls Scout troop leader, after school program aide, and mom to 3 beautiful children. She is a nature advocate and you will find her catch and release fly fishing in her free time.
All that surrounds the young child is of paramount importance. In a wondrous way, children are open to their environment. Children learn best by doing, and play is the serious work of childhood. This precious time in a child's life should be nourished and protected.
As educators, we want to encourage and protect the sense of wonder that is so special at this age. We take pride in nourishing the childʼs imagination and provide a wonder-full place to work, play, and create. We believe that the young childʼs capacities for creative thinking are developed through an intentionally planned and creative classroom environment as well as the enticing activities we provide.
In creating this preschool, we were greatly inspired by European philosophy in educating young children. You will notice elements from Reggio Emiliaʼs approach and Montessori method in Italy, as well as Waldorf education originating in Germany. Each philosophy emphasizes providing a beautifully stimulating environment where children can learn through hands on experiences. Our goal is to create a respectful community that nurtures inquiring minds and critical thinking, builds upon their natural interest in the world, and empowers them in problem solving. We hope to build a foundation of love for learning that will last a lifetime.
Diversity Mission Statement
Kentucky Flat Community Preschool is strongly committed to nurturing a school community that reflects the rich diversity of our surrounding community.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this center is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, political party, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Kentucky Flat Community Preschool does not discriminate on any basis.
Our Team
We are a certified Eco-Friendly Childcare center licensed through the State of California #293616780 offering care for children in a beautiful school house from the 1800s on an amazing peace of land surrounded by trees, open land and farm life.
At Kentucky Flat Community Preschool, it is our purpose to create a beautiful, creative space where children ages 2-5 and their families feel safe to explore and discover our world. The curriculum meets each child as an individual and fosters healthy development through imaginative play, meaningful activities, and expressive arts in a natural environment.
Our Offerings
Our Mission